Solopreneurs: Here’s How Freelancers and Apps Can Help You Grow

Being a solopreneur is one of the most liberating career paths you can take. But who are we kidding if we say it’s not stressful. I mean, you’re literally responsible for everything!  

If you’ve become overwhelmed by your to-do list, you don’t have to keep doing everything by yourself. You can enlist the help of freelancers and technology to move your business forward. Check out this advice from DeDominic and Associates on how to utilize freelance services and apps as a solopreneur: 


Businesses of all sizes and industries are realizing the benefits of offering their audience content. Written content is one of the most effective ways to stake your claim as an expert in your field while also driving traffic to your website and keeping visitors on your site.

 Ask your professional network for recommendations of capable writers, and look at online job boards to find freelance content writers who can take your business to the next level. If you are in the tech/software industry, you might benefit from hiring a tech writer as well. 


Along with providing written content, it’s essential that your website looks unique and attractive. As Results Repeat notes, it should accurately represent your brand and provide users with an easy, seamless experience. Hire a professional web designer to put together a top-notch website that will boost your brand and customer base. You may also benefit from hiring a graphic designer, especially if you sell products or merchandise, or use a lot of printed materials for local marketing. 


Web designers typically focus on the aesthetic elements of a site. Web developers handle the backend. Among other things, this includes coding that determines how your site functions.  

Good web development is critical to any site. It ensures that your website loads quickly, that it isn’t missing any essential content and many other factors. You can find a wealth of web developers on freelance job sites.  


A business consultant is someone you could benefit from hiring from the very start of your business. Business News Daily explains that a good consultant will have ample experience and expertise in a wide range of industries, though you can also opt for a consultant that specializes in your niche. 

Consultants thrive on helping companies identify problems and finding solutions to those problems. From adjusting your marketing strategy to expanding your target audience, from cutting costs to diversifying your revenue, the right business consultant can help transform your company and set the stage for steady growth.

 Apps and Software   

There are also tons of technologies on the market that can help your business move forward. These are especially helpful for solopreneurs because they can help minimize the need for hiring people.  

Look into accounting software like QuickBooks and FreshBooks. Research payment processing apps like Square, Venmo, and Clover. If you work with other people on occasion, project management apps like Basecamp or Asana, as well as communication apps like Slack and Flock, can prove very useful.  

And of course, there are tools that can boost your digital marketing efforts. Mailchimp and Sendinblue are excellent products for email marketing, while apps like Buffer and Social Pilot can transform your social media engagement. 

Using the number of apps and software you’ll need to run your operation means you’ll be using your phone and other smart devices more than ever. Because you’ll grow fairly dependent on your devices to conduct business, having a charger at the ready is essential. Going with a wireless charger is even better, as it provides a faster charge time and is super easy to use -- with no cords, all you need to do to power up is place your smart device on the charging pad, particularly helpful when you’re mobile. 

Just because you’re a solopreneur doesn’t mean you have to do everything alone. Consider the types of professionals listed above to determine if they could benefit your company, and check out the apps available to you for making your operations more efficient and freeing up your time to focus on your primary vision. In no time, your solopreneurship could be a well-oiled machine—ready for rapid, healthy growth! 

DeDominic and Associates offers advanced training, business coaching, and entrepreneurial consulting for your business and leadership mentors and your teams. Contact us today! 805-453-7490


Hillary McClurg